Mammut Shopping and Entertainment Centre - House Rules Extract* | Mammut Shopping Centre

Mammut Shopping and Entertainment Centre - House Rules Extract*

    1. The entire Mammut Shopping and Entertainment Centre is private property.

    2. A security service is in place to maintain order throughout the shopping centre.

    3. A CCTV surveillance system is in operation throughout the shopping centre for the protection of persons and property.

      Information about the system is available from the data controller: In-Kal Zrt. (registered office: 1146 Budapest, Thököly út 68; telephone number: +36-1-273-2211; e-mail:

    4. No smoking in the entire shopping centre.

    5. Bicycles, roller skates, skateboards, scooters and other toys or sports equipment are not allowed inside the building.

    6. Distribution of leaflets, questionnaires, promotions or similar activities in the shopping centre are only allowed with the permission of Mammut Management Ltd.

    7. Alcoholic beverages may only be consumed in designated catering establishments.

    8. Shopping trolleys and shopping baskets belonging to shops may not be removed from the shopping centre.

    9. No photography or video recording is allowed in the entire shopping centre without the permission of Mammut Management Ltd.

    10. By entering the shopping centre, visitors accept that they may be photographed and audio-recorded during events and promotions organised by the shopping centre or by third parties contracted by the shopping centre, and that they consent to their publication.

    11. Dogs and other animals may be brought into the shopping centre only in their carriers or bags, with the exception of assistance dogs with harnesses and distinctive markings.

    12. The KRESZ rules apply in the parking area. By entering the car park, visitors accept the Mammut Shopping and Entertainment Centre's parking regulations.

      *Excerpt from the Mammut Shopping and Entertainment Centre's Rules and Regulations. The full policy is available at the Information Desk.